Becoming Comfortable with English
From May 2 - 6, I was trained for English Skills. I am a Product Trainer in my company but I do get to teach almost anything and everything. Now, it's about English Skills - Accent Neutralization, Vocal Skills, Pronunciation and a lot more. I was truly afraid of it since English is not really my cup of tea. I am more of a Math person - since I find Stability in Math. It's a Universal Language and there's just one answer. But I accommodated the English Skills training with open arms. Surprisingly, I had fun!
May 9 - 13 was like judgment week. It's my turn to share the knowledge to some of the office staff. Well, actually, it's not just me. There's Erick, Ashley and Febe - my co-trainers. I was so nervous since I got the hardest lesson - and to think that it's my waterloo. But I was happy that it was over and all our participants passed the Certification. Phew, what a relief!
Even if the training was over, I can't help but review the wonderful memories that go with it. We had fun in class, and even when we're out for lunch. Boy, you don't have any idea about the "challenges" that we had!
Anyway, I am truly glad to be part of that training. It helped me to become comfortable with English. And I just hope I can share that learning to more people so that they would experience the joy that I had!
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