Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Work, Work, Work...

I'm back in RCBC. I'm supposed to be out of Training Mode and into Coordinator Function. Gosh, I can't imagine the number of pending tasks waiting for me! I think I'm gonna do a somersault and cartwheel!!! The first thing I did? I reloaded my goodies!!! Everyone's happy! I had a new discovery - Fruittella Crazy! It's like Cry Baby because it's too sour. So if you wanna be awake, just pop that candy in your mouth!

Going back to work, my mind and body started spinning (yeah! Body language!). I thought I will just concentrate on my coordinator role but apparently I have training sessions scheduled! I will be on Training Mode again...(Cry!) It's not that I don't enjoy teaching. I do. It's just that I'm worried about my other responsibilities. I know that my size is double (I have accepted that fact by now) but that doesn't mean that I can cut myself into half to do two different things at the same time. (Head bang...) Argh! Well, there goes my lovelife! (As if I have one...) Well, let's put it this way... I will have less time to daydream about Paki... and more time to daydream on others! (hahaha!!! If only I could tell you the man that I think I like now... ehem...)

Smile in the Dark: Part 1 of Paki Daydream

Wind-blown: Part 2 of Paki Daydream
(Being blown away to a diffent man...)


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